The 韩国n economy ranks as the world's 10th largest, with several globally leading industries. 韩国n companies are particularly critical in areas such as battery technology for the global transition.

10月10日, 代表团将访问哥德堡, 对流动人口聚集区的相关地点进行实地考察, 包括Lindholmen, 移动实验室, 旅行社零, 和沃尔沃汽车, 等.

10月11日, a high-level roundtable discussion between 韩国 and 日博备用网站 will take place at Operaterrassen in Stockholm. The event will be attended not only by the 韩国n delegation but also by relevant stakeholders from the Swedish industry and mobility ecosystem. A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) will be signed to further strengthen collaboration between the countries in future mobility and the battery industry. 两家公司的代表将出席签字仪式, 还有扬·拉尔森, 日博备用网站商业首席执行官, 郑文基, 中国贸易协会副会长.

参加Operaterrassen会议的公司包括ABB, 沃尔沃, 北极星, 新生能源, 烛光, Epiroc, 第五名的, Telenor日博备用网站, 蛋糕, 以及像RISE这样的组织, Vinnova, 以及欧洲电池联盟.

